All courses are SkillsFuture Credit and Subsidy eligible for Singaporeans and PRs.

Learner’s Contract

Here’s a couple of things to take note before your course begins.


1. I am aware that BizIQ Academy is not a recruitment centre and is not responsible for securing a job for me.
2. I must not be financially incentivized by BizIQ Academy when signing up for the course.

Course Details

3. I am aware of the basic course outline as well as the date, time, and venue for the course.

Course Fee and Subsidy

4. I am aware of the course fee and the course subsidy.

Course Completion Criteria

5. I must pass all assessments in the course within 50 Calendar days from my Initial class end-date to complete the course.

Full Course Fee Liability

6. I may be liable for the full course fee repayment, and my nett fee will not be refunded, in the event that:
(a) I a
ttended Day 1 of the class, and
(b) I did not complete the course (See clause 5), or
(c) my subsidy for the course is not approved by SSG.

7. This full fee liability may be waived by valid reasons (See Clause 10).

Attendance, Absenteeism and Make Up

8(a) I need to postpone my course to a later intake if I miss Day 1 of my class
8(b) I must provide the reason for my absence along with supporting documents if I miss any lesson [except Day 1].

8(c) I can proceed to take the assessment if I’ve missed any lesson, except for Day 1.
8(d) Subject to approval, I may request for a make-up into a different intake for make-up and assessment completion.
9. The Make-up fee is $30 per session. This fee may be waived for
valid reasons (See Clause 10).

Valid Reasons

10. I am aware that the following list are the valid reasons:
(a) Medical condition – including mandatory Covid Quarantine Order
(d) Religious Observance
(c) Ethnicities nuances
(d) Compassionate condition – i.e. demise of immediate family members
(e) NS obligations – e.g. medical check-up, in camp training
(f) Statutory obligations – e.g. attend court hearings
All of the above Valid Reasons must come with supporting document(s).

Invalid Reasons

11. I am aware that the following list are the Invalid reasons:
(a) Any Valid Reason without supporting document
(b) Any circumstances not listed in the list of Valid Reasons
(c) Work-related
(d) Family-related

Course Deposit

12. I am aware that any Course Deposit will be refunded upon Completion of the course, or it will be forfeited upon Incompletion of the course (See Clause 5).

English Language Proficiency

13. I am able to read and understand the above terms & conditions in this document.

PDPA Consent

14. I consent to BizIQ Academy my personal data, photos and videos, to be used for:
(a) All the training and administration matters of the course, and
(b) the purpose of marketing the products and/or services from Biz IQ Academy.

Effective Date: 28th December 2021
Last Updated: 1st March 2024